Tuesday, May 13, 2008

why i always say that we should make marijuana legal in the USA.

well this is my first post so be gentile on me. i also want every body to know that i don't do any type of drug at all . well besides prescription drugs.

OK any body who has been in cc3 knows this topic comes up at least once a day. and why it should be legal (me)and then the ones that say no it shouldn't. then they ask that question what was i thinking by saying it should be legal so here we go on why i think it should be.

  1. is that prisons are being over filled with marijuana users and sellers, out of all the drug arrest made in 2007 4.8% were for marijuana sale/manufacturing and 39.1% were for marijuana possession. those numbers are staggering that's more than the harder drugs like meth, coke, LSD,acid and so on.... In fact where i live in Illinois a man was caught with 6 pounds of pot in his car and got 40 years in a state prison. while a month later a man that stabbed a man to death only got 13 years. another man that was convected of raping a Lil boy then killing him was allowed to plea bargain down to a lesser charge of rape and only got 7 years are we seeing a problem here?
  2. pot is a drug that is safe if you really look at it and compare it to the other drugs out there . now i hear all of you right now saying not if you drive or run equipment . yes i know those risk as well but for right now i am comparing it to the harder drugs out there on the streets right now. u can't overdose on pot like you can crack, meth, LSD, and x. in fact your no danger to any body but the pantry. you never hear about a person high on pot shooting someone because they thought the person was a demon or something like that. The most common reason why marijuana can be harmful is that people can often come across laced marijuana without realizing it. Marijuana can easily be mixed with other more harmful drugs with out the buyer realizing it, until they have already used it. This is a dangerous thing that causes many people to do more harmful, hard core drugs without realizing it. If it were to be legalized the government could provide guide lines, like it does with alcohol to insure that people knew what they were putting into their bodies.

3. there are allot of good things that come could from making pot legal. Marijuana actually has many helpful benefits toward diseases / sicknesses. Marijuana can reduce nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite caused by AIDS. It can Reduce interlobular pressure, which alleviates the pain and slowing and sometimes even stopping the progress of glaucoma. Common side effects of chemotherapy are nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting, all of which marijuana would help. It can limit muscle pain and relieve tremor and unsteadiness of gait for multiple sclerosis patients. Marijuana can help prevent epileptic seizures in some patients. It can also alleviate chronic, often debilitating pain caused by myriad disorders and injuries. Each one of these applications have been deemed legitimate by at least one United States court, legislature, and/or government agency.

4 money yes i said money.....By legalizing this drug, the government would save the money it currently spends fighting the drug. right now the government spends in a ball park figure of 77.8 billion estimated, 20 percent of the government's war on drugs expenditures goes toward marijuana. so why not put that money to work for us and not to a drug dealer in fact looking at a drug enforcement site it says that Americans spend a whopping $11 billion just on pot. so how many states would that help? and they could almost double that with a tax on it the fact of the matter is that a state could make more money by making it legal and taxing it then it would fighting it. why do you think prohibition ended on liquor? because the government was losing more money than it could have been making.

now i know i will get some comments asking what about a person that gets high and goes to work? but i as them this what the diff between that person and a person that is taking a narcotic pain killer? the biggest diff is that an employer will tell you if your high on pot just call in. But they well tell the person taking the pain med's to come in and work the way a pot smoker would be working